

Friday. It's Friday. The midterm was 20 pages long and the blasted librarian was hovering over me the whole beeping time. We get the results on Monday. Blast.
Today in science= :(. It was horrible. Mr.F moved our seats around so now I am not going to be near AP at all. My lab partner is some idiot kid whose name I don't even know. Mr.F moved us around because of our "record-breaking performance" on the test yesterday- the lowest average he's had in 31 years, 8.5 out of 20. I got a 17. MH got a two, and AP was sick- she has what I had last week. Mr.F said, and I quote, "If your test scores were a Broadway performance, it would have closed before intermission."
Tomorrow is EDG's birthday party. I bleached my hair yesterday, and hopefully will be redying it purple before the party. Fun.
I cut myself the other day.



I hate Mondays. The math midterm is tomorrow. Fuck.



My sister is taking a test today, at some school or other. A test on Saturday. Evil.



Her: hey. hmmmmmmmm schools actually ok for once my textiles teacher who normally i want to kill is being nice to me. but i hate maths and chemistry they bore me  sooo much i just sleep or listen to my music hehe. hows chicago? do u want to go to war? i dont, i think its really stupid, sorry if that offends u.

email bk

sry it's taken so long to reply, i;ve been sick the past week. lol, is ur teacher still being nice? lol, sma ehere, and this yr i hate ss and eng and lit which are all taught by the same stupid teacher. chicago is ok, no snow though:( no i do not want to go to war, geogrge bush should be hung drawn and quartered and then chopped up into little pieces and then those pieces should be stamped on until i can think f something else to do to them.
george bush on iraq: bomb iraq!
george bush on north korea: bomb iraq!
george bush on what he wants for breakfast: bomb iraq!

...stupid fat hobbit. it is completely stupid, insult this idiot and the other idiots in the white house as much as u want, i wouldn't have voted for him.

I hate George Bush.
AJ says:

Quick thingy...

AJ is The current mood of kenaur@hotmail.com at www.imood.com

Ruanek is The current mood of rrr@hotmail.com at www.imood.com

Not today, either

...Which means I'm missing both the French test and the French makeup too. Oooh joy.



Didn't go yesterday or today. Ugh.



Am I going to school? Yes? No?



Well, I took the math test. It wasn't too bad, I guess, and I'll get my grade in a few days. I went home sick after 6th period though- there's a virus going around, oh well...the problem is, tomorrow is the HUGE FRENCH TEST! BUGGER!

But it feels like a Monday. Big math test today. Did I study? ...Oops...



School tomorrow...nooo...and Star Trek Magazine is ending after April! $h!^! Pain...pain...but the Communicator is still going...but still...



I have no homework, no school...happiness. Go check out Amanda's site. She has a fantastic layout up.
Star Trekking across the universe, boldly going forward 'cause we can't find reverse...


Three day weekend!

Yes! Happiness. Time to work on two new fanlistings...

Finally! And probably no drum lesson, since it was way to cold to practice for most of the week, without heat in the house.



Wow that was stupid. I just applied for two fanlistings- Romulans/Remans/Vulcan and Star Trek movies. Too much work...hehehe...
"Thursay" still

I have an A in eng, lit, ss, woodshop, and science. I have a B in math and-get thisgym! Me! A B in gym! You must have to actually work to get a C...And I'm not failing math! o_0

We get progress reports today. Ugh.


Group blog

I am now in a group blog with four of my friends- over here. Fun.
School was interesting. A few days ago NA asked if I wanted to go someplace with him some time, and I said yes and then we ignored each other for a few days and then today in evil shop class he helped me cut the wood for my clipboard. o_0 And of course BK and KL were making faces.
There's this police officer guy, Devroy, at my school, because my school is full of...scary people. I am one of them. Anyway, he's like a child molester or something- he grabs BK and hugs her and...stuff. Yeah. And of course the other adults at school don't care. He wasn't there today though so that was ok.
As of 7:00 pm yesterday, we have HEAT! :D Whoop and all that good stuff. Good times, Moriarty, good times.
November 12 is Craig Parker's birthday. We missed it. Happy belated birthday to everyone born on November 12.


...And still cold

...But I have an ortho appt today, so no school, and a friend of mine had an ortho appt to so she wasn't going to school today either, so I spent the night at her house because her house has heat. No heat here yet. >_< And the Nicor people just drove away a little while ago because they were being called to an "emergency." Haha. Funny. Ugh.
And yesterday was very scry. I went over to AP's house after school, with KF and CR, and when I got there it turned out that they were having a birthday party. For Orlando Bloom. So of course they had to drag me back into the house kicking and screaming ;) KF had even made a birthday card for him. Her mom was there too, and so was AP's. It was scary. They sang happy birthday, and talked about all the actors/actresses in the LOTR movies...Oh, Viggo Mortensen is sooo cute, how old is he?...44?!? That's perfect!(This was KF's mother) How old is Orlando? 26? Yay! What about Legolas? 500 or something, right? 2,931? Wow! How about Pippin, A? Or Merry, K?
All I have to say is Haldir lives. Go Craig Parker.

Rules for playing Tig
I'll say tig. Then you'll say tag. Then I'll say tigtag. And you'll say tug. But then I'll say no! You can't tug on a tigtag. So you'll say tog and I'll say tug. And you'll say tigtig. And I'll say tag and you'll say tug. But I'll say you can't tug on a tig if you said tigtig before it. And if you say tigtig, then I say tig, then you say tug, then I say tog, then you have to make an elephant noise before you make your move because that means that you've just made a tigtag crisscross and thats against the rules. Get it?


Still cold

The house went below freezing last night. We still have no heat. They haven't said anything about when it will be back on. I'm wearing gloves. Ugh.
I have an ortho appt on Tuesday, so no school then. Happy happy joy joy.


Star Trek: Nemesis

...One of the best Trek movies. I saw it again today; that makes five times. My sister hadn't seen it yet, adn really wanted too, so my mom took her and I came along. My mom agrees with me: I's much better the second time around- things make a lot more sense on a second viewing. Shinzon lives!
Did I mention we have no heat? The gas pipes for about twenty miles broke, so the house is currently at 35 degrees, except for the room I'm in, the upstairs study. Ugh. Freezing. The heat's been down since midday yesterday. Aargh.


Ummm...Shinzon lives?

Friday. Finally.


Still not Friday

I'm drawing a blank here...absolutely nothing happened today. Zip. Nada. Nothing. I have some math homework and that ss project. That's all.

Alternative Lord of the Rings!

P.G. Wodehouse!

"Sam, I've decided to go and overthrow the Dark Lord by tossing his jewellery into a volcano."
"Very good, sir. Should I lay out your crazy adventure garb? I presume that this will pose a delay to tea-time. I would remind your Hobbitship that your Great Aunt Lobellia Sackville-Baggins is expected for tea."
"Blast! I say, bother! How can a chap overthrow the Dark Lord? I suppose I will have to delay my campaign."
"Very good, sir. I believe you will be free in about a decade."
"I'll do it then. Make a note, Sam...."
Dylan Thomas!

I whistled defiantly as I walked down the streets of Under Mount Doom. Auntie Grima was baking orc bread, and the smell wafted over the streets like a miasma of wonderment. She was a dried-up woman, who cursed everytime the pit was mentioned, that death-dealing, life-giving pit. It was precious to us even though it killed us, our precious it was, but we didn't care about it as much as we cared about the grilled human ears we had for tea.
"Dopey!" called my friend across the street to me, his voice echoing around our brown fields. "Dopey, you going to see thgame?" There was always a game on. We didn't watch it, we devoured it, and when it was over, we played it out again and again, with a ball instead of a captive's head. Grishna was always Garth Lliwams, and I was always Jaypeeare. He was magic, and when we finished, we would go home and dream of Nazgul....
Star Trek!

"The Halflings, cap'n, they will na take the strain"
"Strider, we've got to get out of this snow. Legolas, did you get a reading on that creature?"
"Fascinating, Captain. It appears to be an unknown creature that lurks in the pool waiting for passing strangers. Ecologically implausible, captain."
"Do you know what it is?"
"I believe I said it was unknown, Dr Gimli. Logically, if I knew what it was, then it wouldn't be unknown."
"Cap'n, we're in some sort of temporal warp, stretching and deforming the plot. The snow should take place a day before our encounter with this beastie."
"Captain, what are we going to do?"
"Boromir, put on that red armour...."



But not Friday. Ugh.



Craig-Parker.net! Go there!
Not much

...To put right now; hopefully more later...

I hate school.



I did nothing today! Nothing. I mean, yes, I went to school, but I learmed nothing. Or nossink, as Eddie says.
I think the rainforests could be saved far more easily if passing notes was illegal. I think three hundred tree died today just in one school. At least.
I hope George Bush keels over.
Homework: Homework is evil. Half a problem in math (did the rest in class), Stupid SS Project, ten find-the-adverb q's in eng, copy down sentences in lit. It appears I am in eng/lit for people who have yet to learn to read.
GP finally saw LOT: TTT, but hasn't seen Nemesis yet. I think EH has seen Nemesis. Wonder if she liked it.
I hate George Bush. "Let's declare war on Iraq in order to draw attention from how stupid I am and how badly I am running the country! Hey, duh, yeah!"


Suffering from lack of internet and coke

...The drink, that is. Ha ha.
I have homework. SS: Still, that abc book. Due Friday, but if I need it she'll give me an extension. Sci: Outline chp. 3. Due Friday. French: Finish up to pg. 5 in packet; study for huge test in two weeks.
Guess what? T and KP saw Nemesis too...even though they were embarrassed about it. LOL. Strange.
I redyed my hair, so the purple no longer looks grey.
George Bush is an idiot and ought to be kicked out of the White House! ...I feel better now.
At lunch I sit at a table with some of my friends- they're all crazy, loud-crazy. I'm quiet, wacked-out, dead crazy. Yes, I am a drummer. Anyway, they were deciding who at our table married who in the Lord of the Rings movies. Don't ask me why. I just listen. They decided that I am married to Haldir. o_0 I don't mind though ^_^ Haldir is cool. Haldir is alive. In your face. You can't kill someone like that. "Death breathes so loud we could have shot it in the dark." Ha. There's a Haldir fanlisting. I don't remember the address; check over at thefanlistings.net.
I hate my school.

Today is Monday and back to school. Ugh.


Back again

Hidden beneath the cloak of night the dragon stalks its prey...

AD/ me e-mail conversation:

AD: Important STAR TREK NEMESIS Transmission. interesting. picard must've started losing his hair young. was there supposed to be an attachment?
Me: i think so. stupid federation of planets server. maybe shinzon is right and the federation should be out out of it's misery.
AD: yep. then the world would be a better place.
Me: yes. kill the stupid humans.
AD: ok. (singing) we're off to kill some humans, the awful humans of earth...
Me: Because, because, because, BECAUSE, because of the stupid creatures they are!

1. Have you read the book? Yes.
2. When did you see TTT? Dec.18 at 8:10. I don't remember the other two times.
3. Who did you see it with? My dad and sister.
4. Did you keep your ticket stub? Yes, I always do.
5. Did you dress up or wear something LOTRish? Was going to be a Nazgul, but decided against it.
6 Favorite character based on looks? Legolas.
7. Favorite character based on personality? Haldir.
8. Least favorite character based on looks? Grima Wormtongue.
9. Least favourite character based on personality? Good old Grima.
10. Favorite extra? The Elves at Helm's Deep.
11. Favorite CGI character? Gollum.
12. Favorite beast? The things the Nazgul rode.
13. Most evolved character since FOTR? Gimli.
14. Least evolved character since FOTR? Arwen.
15. Best newcomer character? Eomer.
16. Pleasantly surprised by which character? Gollum. Go Andy Serkis!
17. Least pleasantly surprised by which character? Faramir. A lot like his brother.
18. Best actor award? Craig Parker. Helpful and still the most arrogant bastard in the universe:)
19. Best actress award? Out of the three women in the film...Cate Blanchett.
20. Best supporting actor? Andy Serkis!
21. Best supporting actress? Miranda Otto.
22. Favorite scene? When the elves come to Helm's Deep. So there, Theoden.
23. Why? Theoden is going on and on about how no one is ging to help him, where was Gondor, etc, etc, and then up pops Haldir. In your face.
24. Frodo/Sam/Gollum, Aragorn/Legolas/Gimli/Gandalf or Merry/Pippin scene chemistry? Legolas/Aragorn and Legolas/Gimli. Especially the "shall I get you a box?" and when Legolas is apologizing to Aragorn. Really fast. Because he doesn't like apologizing. Ha.
25. Favorite funny line? "Do you want me to describe it to you, or shall I get you a box?"
26. Favorite serious line? Gandalf's line to Grima, about not coming back to "bandy words" with the likes of him.
27. Favorite stunt? The skateboarding elf of Middle Earth.
28. Favorite track? Haven't got the soundtrack yet.
29. Least favorite track? See above.
30. Did you cry? No.
31. How many times? See above.
32. When Haldir died? I wasn't sad; I'm seriously pissed about that. Haldir didn't really die though. Haldir lives. HALDIR LIVES!!!!!!!
33. Did you spot PJ's cameo? Yes.
34. Biggest surprise about the movie? Haldir dying. Or rather, not dying, dammit.
35. Was it better than FOTR? Can't compare them; definitely as good, but a lot darker and sadder.
36. Did you get a fright? Where? No. Haldir lives.
37. Did you clap out loud at anything in the movie? What? No- nearly, though, when Pippin tricked Treebeard.
38. Anything disappointing about it? Not enough scenes with Haldir.
39. Thing you were most looking forward to seeing? All of it. Specially the elves again.
40. If you could change ONE thing about the movie, what would it be? Haldir lives!
41. Would you see it again? Hell yes.
42. How many times? Till the tape or DVD breaks. Then I'd go but another one.

Thanks, Sarah.
Last day

Today is the last day of (slight) freedom. Tomorrow, back to school. Back to all that artificial acid.


I'm back and the type is width="391px" height="257px"

And still online. Oh, I have a life- it's in a closet somewhere, I'll have to pull it out one of these days- but you know, having a life is seriously overrated. Ok, so they can come in useful from time to time, like if you want to go to a movie or something, but the rest of the time you might as well stop over in Uberwald and have lunch with an Igor or something. People go on about the new year and their resolutions and then, huh, funny thing, you look around and the "world's leaders" still have three brain cells between them and people are still driving SUVs the size of Montana. Joe Strummer and Spike Milligan are dead. No one I know my age has heard of the Goon Show. Or the Clash. Or even Rammstein. There's no point to anything. The world is going down a drain and the plug has been thrown out the window onto the highway at rushhour. There are people at school who think I can't talk, just because I don't yap on and on and on about how my hair is messed up and do you have a comb oh my god please say you have a comb how can I go out of the locker room with my hair like this and by the way did you know that Adam is going put with Beth and Carrie hates David and Emily has no idea that Fred likes Gigi even though Hannah basically told her? Just because I don't like to have everyone watching me all the time. Sometimes you just turn your back and hide your face from the world. Just because I don't speak doesn't mean I don't think. That's why I write. Here and other places. Does everyone feel like this? Almost definitely, but it seems like it's only you, doesn't it? It is and it isn't but it's the same and different though it's always there. Maybe I can go live somewhere on the Disc. Like in Uberwald. Uberwald is nice. Or I could just hole up somewhere in UU. I could be the expert on the Goon Show, and no one would mind. Life is not all it's cracked up to be. A billion people before me have said that. And like a thousand commanders on a thousand battlefields I wait for the dawn.. I don't think I can face going back to school on Monday. All those artficial people. All that acid about their problems. And tomorrow they'll have new problems. Just like everyone else. And they'll talk to each other about them and worry and worry and worry. They'll want to know why the world doesn't revolve around them. Their lives are so important, so vital to the universe's well-being. And then someone will look at me and say "Who do you like?" And I won't say anything, just smile and shake my head. They don't know anything about me and it can stay that way. The more they know the more they talk. Acid acid acid. To them I am cardboard, flat and two-dimensional. No substance, just there in the background. That is fine. That is the way it should be. The less they know the better. I think I want to stay a cardboard cutout. If I get rained on I'll get a bit soggy, but that's fine. I think I'll leave the closet alone- who knows what else is in there?
...And is still melting

The band was ok in the end. ED, BM and TWS came- I guess RB and KM couldn't make it. TWS had sheet music for ED, who plays guitar (as of Christmas day), but mainly keyboard. TWS plays clarinet and sings a bit, and BM sings. It was fun- I'm the drummer, and I was just dong whatever I felt like, since TWS told me to make it up. Some bits courtesy Topper Headon, Christoph Schneider, Ginger Baker...Punk klezmer. Ha.
Oh yes, and today I'm going to see Nemesis again, with TWS and BM. No, I'm not obsessed, and no, I'm not just going because of Shinzon. Really. Really really. Hehehe...


...And the snow is melting

Today: Drum lesson plus first rehearsal of klezmer band. Yes, you read that right. Somehow TWS has got me down as drummer for a klezmer band. o_O And somehow they've ended up praticing here. O_O Well, we'll see how this turns out...
And R: Yes, you can. I know, I know, I know!
M y life is meaningless as long as you're still alive! (Shinzon)


It snowed

Snowed again. Just a little bit though. Stupid global warming and stupid people who drive around in SUVs bigger than a house.
GP is back and still hasn't seen LOTR: TTT or Nemesis. Crazy! AD has seen Nemesis- with me- but not the other.
Yesterday I found a Clash cd that I've never seen anywhere else- Cut The Crap. All-powerful Topper Headon and Mick Jones aren't on it- three others are though, and that's not including Joe Strummer (:() and Paul Simonon. I've never heard any of the songs on it, either. Cool.


Happy new year

It's 2003. Wheee. [sarcasm] What a difference. It's raining. That's new.[/sarcasm] Happy new year, everyone. Live long and prosper.